Treatment for your spine or disc problem may well include exercise therapy. The advice that you are given will help you move wisely and by building strong, flexible muscles to support your three natural curves, you will hopefully improve your condition. Regular back exercises also help keep your spine and discs nourished and healthy, easing pain and helping to prevent injury. Not only do they make your back feel better, but your whole body benefits too. Your doctor or physical therapist may further tailor your basic programme for you.
Please seek advice from your healthcare professional before attempting any exercises, these are just a small selection of some exercises that you may be shown.
Stop any exercise that cause new or unusual pain and inform your Doctor or Therapist
To prevent injury use good body mechanics as your move to the floor for your exercises. keeping your three natural curves aligned, bend your knees and kneel on the floor. using your arms for support, roll over on your side. Then roll over on your back.
Protect your back as you move to a standing position by keeping your three natural curves aligned. Roll over onto one side. Keeping your knees bent, push up with your arms and move into a kneeling position. Move onto one knee then stand up.
Purpose: To stretch your hamstring muscles.
1: Lie on your back and find your position of comfort. Loop a towel or belt around one foot. Tighten your stomach.
2: Keeping your position of comfort raise your leg until you feel tightness in the hamstring. Relax and repeat 5 times. Switch to your other leg. Slowly increase your holding time to 30 seconds.
Purpose: To stretch your hip muscles.
1: Kneel with one foot in front of you. Find your position of comfort and tighten your abdominal muscles.
2: Slowly shift your weight forward onto your front foot and hold for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat 5 times. Switch to your other leg and repeat.
Knee to Chest
Purpose: To stretch your hip, buttock and lower back muscles.
1: Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Find your position of comfort.
2: Bring one knee to your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Lower your foot to the floor and repeat with the opposite leg. Repeat 5 times.
Leg Reach
Purpose: To strengthen back, buttock and leg muscles.
1: Start on your hands and knees. Find your position of comfort.
2: Extend one leg straight our behind you and hold it parallel to the floor for a count of 5. Don’t let your back, head or stomach sag and try not to arch your back. Relax and repeat 5 times, then switch legs.
Neck Glide
Purpose: To stretch your chest, neck and shoulder muscles.
1: Sit or stand upright.
2: Glide your head straight back with out lifting your chin. (Your ‘re doing this right if it gives you the feeling of a double chin). Hold for 20 counts and repeat 5-10 times.
Neck Stretch
Purpose: To stretch and relax neck muscles.
1: Sit or stand upright.
2: Tilt your head slowly toward one shoulder. Relax and let gravity pull your head down to stretch your neck. Hold for 10 counts, rest briefly then switch sides. Repeat 5-10 times on each side.
Partial Sit-up
Purpose: To strengthen abdominal muscles.
1: Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Find your position of comfort.
2: Slowly raise your head and shoulders off the floor, extending your hands to the side of your knees. Hold for as long as you can. Increase your holding time to 1 minute.
The Pelvic Clock
Purpose: To find the most comfortable position for your particular body.
1: Lie down with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Imagine a clock on the back of your pelvis.
2: Slowly tip your pelvis all the way down to “6”, then up to “12”, until you find your unique position of comfort. Use the pelvic clock to find this position before exercising.
Press up
Purpose: To extend your lower back.
1: Lie on your stomach and place your hands on the floor near the sides of your head.
2: Slowly push your upper body off the floor by straightening your arms, but keep your hips on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax your arms, moving back to the floor. Repeat 10 times, lifting slightly higher each time.
Purpose: To strengthen your back, hip and leg muscles.
1: Stand with your back against a wall and feet shoulder width apart. Find your position of comfort.
2: Slide down the wall. Move into a half sit, hold for a count of 5 and slowly slide back up. Repeat 5 times. Work up to 1 minute holds.
Elbow to Knee
Purpose: To strengthen abdominal muscles.
1: Lie on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor and your hands laced behind your neck. Find your position of comfort and tighten your abdominal muscles.
2: Do a partial sit-up and bring your left elbow toward your right knee without moving your lower back. Return to the starting position and switch sides. Work up to 25 repetitions on each side.