Please take a few minutes to let us know your thoughts on this web site. We are constantly working to make improvements and give our patients as much information as they may need. We welcome and value any feedback and suggestions you may have, positive and/or negative.

Web Site Feedback Questionnaire

1. On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate....?

a) Overall Design and Layout
b) Ease of Navigation
c) The amount of information available
d)Usefulness of Content

2. General Feedback

a) What do you like and dislike about the website?
b) Would you like to see any improvements made to the web site? If so, please give details.
c) Do you have any other thoughts/feedback/comments you would like to share with us?

3. Some Information About You (this will help us when assessing our results)

a) Your first and surname
b) If you have not ticked the box above, please tell us more about what you use our web site for
c) Your Email address (if you would like us to respond to any of your comments)
Thank you for taking the time to leave us feedback. Please hit the 'Submit' button when you have finished.